Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{ pumpkin carving & swim lessons }

We actually went to go get pumpkins a couple weekends ago - but it wasn't until this afternoon that we actually found the time & energy to carve them (or at least just Evan's).  Evan isn't big into sensory activities.  Anything gooey on his hands seems to freak him out so Mike and I spent most of the time getting the "guts" out of the pumpkin.  Although, at least Evan tried.

But he sure had fun actually getting to carve the pumpkin this year.  The past few years we have let him pick out a pattern or give us the basic idea of what he wanted - but we did all the carving.  Evan was super pleased with himself!

{  Evan trying to scoop out the guts ::  Mike taking over }

{ Evan carving the pumpkin with help from daddy }
{ Evan and his pumpkin }
After carving his pumpkin - we rushed out to swim lessons.  We are in the second session of the fall and he's loving it.  He started back two months ago after a year off - simply because of scheduling issues.  This past summer when he went swimming in the big pool with his uncle, we noticed how scared he was of the whole thing - so it was time to go back.  He's slowly building his confidence in the water and I'm hopful by the time summer rolls around again that he'll be all over the swimming pool.
{ Evan & his cool swimming goggles }

{ Alex intridged with the lights and fans on the ceiling }

{ waiting his turn }

{ learning the back stroke }

Monday, October 29, 2012

{ this week }

My final week at home is here.  I can't believe it's already been 6 weeks.  Alexander has grown so much and leaving him will be hard.  At least I'll be leaving him in the very capable hands of Mike - but I'm sure I'll get panicked phone calls the first couple of weeks.  I'm still trying to figure out my schedule with work - I don't necessarily want to put Alex in daycare on Fridays until we have figured out his kidney, but I'm realizing that I may not have a choice...

And while I was hoping this would be a relaxing final week, I'm also realizing how much needs to happen.  Evan has swim lessons, Halloween, Alexander's renograph (over 2 hours of fun at Children's Hospital!), my final doctor appointment, and going back into the office for the first time to get my schedule for the next week.  I'm sure I'm forgetting something - but I'm hopeful I'll be able to sneak in a few more naps before next Monday!

I'm also trying to get us in some sort of regular schedule - or at least myself.  Evan hasn't been helping too much with his rebellious behavior.  I'm hoping to nip in the butt before it gets too out of hand.  I'm also trying to get Mike on board.  It has always seemed that the three nights he is home, it all goes to pot because he lets Evan get away from the bedtime routine I have set out.  I think I have scored some points with him when he realized how easily things went tonight.

While I'm prepared for a busy week full of running - I'm going to cherish these last few days where I get to be a stay at home mom before I go back to being a working mom but now of two.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

{ I see you }

I see you.  Struggling to figure out where your place is now that we've added a new body in the mix.  It's been a long 6 weeks and I can see you still struggling & feeling it all out.  Some days you are absolutely wonderful.  And other days...well other days I just can't wait until you go to bed.

I know you love your new brother.  You love to hug him, hold him, and really just be with him.  I know it's hard for you when we ask you not to love on him so much.  He's still fragile.  Soon, very soon he'll be chasing you around and will be all up in your face.  Just wait.

It hurts my heart to see you struggle this hard.  I know there are times where I do wonderfully to help you figure it all out and other times...I'm sure you can't wait to go to bed just so we get a way from one another.

I pray about it.  I pray for you to find your way, the place that you are desperately trying to find in this family.  I pray that you know how much I love you and cherish the moments I have with you both alone and with your brother.  I pray that you feel comfort from your Heavenly Father when you are hurting.  I pray for me to know how to be the mom you need me to be.  I pray the knowledge to lead you through this.  I pray for you to find comfort in me as well.

Just know that I see you.  You are not forgotten.  You are the oldest.  The leader.  You always have been.  You are seen.  loved.  cherished.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

{ alex's newborn photos }

I realized that I never got a chance to share the photos from Alex's newborn photo shoot with Bri of Brilicious photography.  She did an amazing job and was so patient with Alex who was not going to sleep for her for more than 5 minutes without a fight!  Seriously if you live in the Twin Cities area please check her out here.