Saturday, March 30, 2013

{ look who's 6 months...well...a while ago }

Alexander actually turned 6 months on the 17th and I took pictures that day...however we've been a bit busy with everyone getting sick...first Evan had some stomach virus...then Alex got his 6th ear infection...and lastly MJ got sick.  Thankfullly I haven't...I've just had to clean up all the mess.  ick.

So before I forget....

Weight : 
15 pounds 14 oz (with clothes and diapers on)
Diapers : 
Size 3
Clothes :
6 months still fitting decently - but he'll probably grow out of them soon.
Food : 
 Because of said ear infections (seriously - he's had 3 this past month) he hasn't really nursed.  And since we've gone through the stash of breastmilk we had in the freezer faster than I wanted to - he's been drinking a "sensitive" formula.  But he's also recently gotten back into nursing so we're doing a little bit of everything.
He's also been eating solids like a champ.  Normally its oatmeal mixed with a fruit for breakfast and dinner and a veggie in the afternoon for lunch.  He pretty much eats whatever we throw at him but we've recently given him some avocado slices in a mesh bag and he sucks that stuff down like it's going out of style.

Sleeping : 
Holy buckets.  Seriously.  Sleep hasn't been going well in our home.  Especially him with the ear infections.  Sometimes he'll get some good night sleep only getting up once or twice.  Then other nights (especially when the ear infections are coming on) he's up every 90 minutes or so.  Naps are also a crap shoot.  Sometimes he will take two 2-hour long naps and other days he cat naps a couple of times through out the day.
mmm...not really sure...It's kinda been a whirl wind of a month so I'm sure there has been a thing or two
Life with Alex :
  Like I said it's been a heck of a month.  Especially with all his ear infections.  We're now looking at going to an ENT to rule out anything physical that would cause him to have so many ear infections.  If so we're might be looking at tubes in his ear and possibly removing his tonsils...however if he's just a kid who's prone to them...I'll probably look into alternatives like chiropractic care or olive oil in his ears daily (has anyone heard of this and does it work?)
Otherwise, Mr. Alex is so full of piss and vingar.  He really is a Carver male.  Loud and opinionated.  He army crawls/rolls to get things.  And watches his brother like a hawk.  Alex feels that whatever we have he surely needs it his new favorite toy?  the XBOX controller. He's even accidently figured out how to turn it on.  (so I remove the battery pack before he gets his hands on it.)
I love that Alex is such a momma-baby.  Seriously nothing is better than coming home to Alex smiling, panting (out of excitement) and waving his arms at me to pick him up when I first walk through the door after work.  Since he's half-weaned himself off of nursing I still miss that connection at times - but I'm lucky that we've gotten this far and that we are still somewhat continuing this breastfeeding journey.
Overall next month I'm looking forward to watching him continuing to grow...personality and all.

Friday, March 8, 2013

{ catchin' up insta-gram style }

Holy cow it's been a while since I've linked up to insta-friday!  But here we are...catchin' up

life rearranged

Have you happened upon this in your local Target?  Mike sent me a picture after spying it on a recent trip.
This is my grandfather's company.  So very proud of him and all he's accomplished!  Want to learn more...check in out here

Ever since Nancy came home from Bethseda, Alex and I spend Fridays running Nancy around to her appointments.  While she was at one appointment, we killed sometime at Target...and trying on headbands I found in the dollar cute!

Alex is now on his 4th and 5th ear infections.  Thankfully they are clearing up.  However, we've discussed the possibility of going to see an ENT doctor.  I'm pretty sure we will in any case.  Here's hoping that in reality, he's just had an awful winter and he won't need tubes in his poor little ears.

430 am.  Our new wake up time.  Not impressed.

Dinner!  After a crappy week of eating, thanks to ear infections, this little one is once again all about eating!

Alex's new way of napping in his car seat.  Seriously.

Evan's home!  He just loves riding the bus to and from school.  To think just a year ago he was still in preschool.  He's growing up too fast!

Tab citations.  On a weekend.  When I can't do a darn thing about it.


After the snow storm we had earlier in the week - MJ took Evan out sledding.  They had a blast.  I was more than happy to be at home warm with the baby.

Look who is holding his own cup?!  I don't think we will have an issue when it comes to weaning off Alex from bottles.  Especially when he sees his cup - he just goes crazy.

Reading with Evan has gotten...kinda better.  He's either realized I will stop reading if he gets to jumpy or I've gained a bunch of patience when it comes to him hoppin' around.  In either case we've been reading a lot more.