Sunday, April 27, 2014

{ the sunday currently :: volume 1 }

{ confetti eggs at our annual Hall Family Chreaster }

After reading Lauren @ siddathornton and her "The Sunday Currently" post, I figured that I would play along too, so here we go...


READING :: I just finished The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion.  It was the first book that I finished off the Rory Gilmore book challenge.  I haven't had much time for reading because of the holiday and having two very over active boys.  I hoping that after this week once things settle down I can continue and finish my next book Angela's Ashes.

WRITING :: I'm trying to make it more of a point to write in my journal.  Even if it's a sentence of how I'm feeling.  I really want to spend this last year and a half before entering my thirties knowing who I am.  As well as being able to remember the hilarious things that come out of the mouths of my boys.

LISTENING ::  After watching the MTV Movie awards several weeks ago, we've become a little obsessed with Twenty One Pilots.  It's always on in our car and not a day goes by that we don't play "car radio".  I'm really disappointed that they aren't coming to Minnesota any time soon...but maybe they'll change there minds and head in our direction.

SMELLING ::'s been raining here all day and it smells fresh.  I love the smell of rain.  Also because it's been a long horribly cold winter here...for it to finally smell like spring makes my heart swoon.

WISHING :: For it to already be Friday.  It's been a long weekend full of family and...well today was just horrible.  Not that I don't enjoy my work, but I could really use a day where everyone is gone and I have the place all to myself to several hours.

HOPING :: That Alex's ear infection is finally on it's way out.  He is on his second round of antibiotics for this ear infection from hell.  This week has been horrible for our schedule and for our sleep.  Luckily he takes his meds like a champ and seems to be on the mend.  However his schedule was so thrown off this week, I'm sure it's going to take a week or more to get back to his regular schedule.

WEARING ::  Nothing's Sunday night and it's sweats and a T-shirt

LOVING ::  All the pins I just pinned to my summer board on pinterest.  The plan is to spend every. single. evening. at the pool park.  This means bathing suits and picnic lunches.  I'm just so ready for summer.

WANTING :: a puppy.  We recently found out that where we rent will allow us to have a dog.  I still have tons of work to do on my spring cleaning list before we can even consider bringing a dog home, but it doesn't mean that I can't look, right?  That and I need to find a way to completely sell the hubby on the whole idea.

NEEDING :: a vacation.  I've been working tons of over recently and I feel like I just need to leave for a long weekend and enjoy the company of my boys and husband.

FEELING ::  Tired.  Maybe because it's bedtime and I haven't slept in a few's hoping Alex sleeps through the night!

What are you up to?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

{ on my heart :: dear brother }

Dear brother,

It's raining here tonight and I'm not exactly sure why I'm thinking of you, but I am.  Maybe it's because you haven't returned phone calls, text messages and Facebook messages in months.  I know you've read them.  I'm not sure what's caused your radio silence, especially since it sounds like I'm the only sibling you haven't blatantly cut off.

The last time we were talked, I knew you were hurting.  I could hear it in your voice that you were both physically and mentally screaming in pain.  I hate that you have turned to what you have to deal with that pain.  Every time we've talked you've wanted to find help.  You just haven't, and I'm not sure why.

Maybe it's because you aren't ready.  Or your wife isn't ready.  Maybe it's because you haven't hit rock bottom yet.  But sadly I wouldn't be surprised if I received a phone call that your vice has taken you.  And what scares me most, is that I almost expect that call any day now.

I watch your nephews, and see all the things you've missed out on.  I see how much they are like you.  I know you would get a kick out of them.  Evan talks about wanting to try out hockey and Alex has no fear, just like you. I see them and know that they will never really know the uncle that fiercely loves them.

Unless something changes.

I want you back, dear brother.  I have missed the closeness that we had once we were both out of the house and grown.  I wish you would talk to me so I can tell you all the things I've wanted to for months.  Even if you aren't ready to get the help that you need, I wish I knew that you were okay.  Even in the slightest sense of the word.  And if you won't talk to me, please talk to someone.  Find a way out of the personal hell you have found yourself in.

We are here for you.  Me, your brother in law, your sisters, and even your dad.  Ready for you whenever you are ready for us.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

{ happy easter }

{ cousins! }
Happy Easter everyone! 
I hope that everyone had a blessed day and enjoyed celebrating with their families today!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

{ 30 by 30 }

In 457ish days I will leave my twenties and turn the big 3-0.  So to celebrate the last year and some odd days in my twenties, I wanted to make a bucket list.  It's full of things that I will help me grow and say goodbye to my twenties, as well as getting me ready for all the things that my thirties have in store for me.

So here it is::

Be at my goal weight :: Run a 5k, 10k, and half marathon :: complete 30, 100, and 365 projects :: volunteer :: do something that scares me (skydiving) :: romantic getaway for me & the hubby :: take the boys camping :: read all the standard works :: make our apartment feel like home :: refurbish a piece of furniture :: share testimony :: receive temple recommend :: get financially ready to purchase a home ::  sister getaway :: learn a new craft (knitting) :: learn a new sport (snowboarding) :: donate blood :: learn html/web design :: take a photography class :: go to a concert :: get on a horse again :: project life/SMASH journal :: read all the books on the Rory Gilmore Book Challenge :: finish my mom's quilt :: go to a sporting event :: reconnect with an old friend/make a new friend :: spa day :: cook through an entire cookbook :: RAK day :: Family photos taken.

Looking at it, I know it's a lot.  But I really want to accomplish everything on this list.  I know I can and as I check off each of these items I'll do an update.  I have already started on a couple of the items so, hopefully I'll be able to cross one off soon!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

{ winter :: i give up }

I don't actually hate winter.  I actually enjoy the snow and cold.  I used to enjoy the fluffy coats of the horses and the winter trail rides with my mom.  The big snow flakes and sledding.  But this winter is different.  With no barn to run off to and the epic frigid temperatures, I'm ready to throw in the towel.
Tonight, here in MN, we are expecting 6 to 8 inches in our area and I'm over it.  I'm ready for spring.  To see green grass and sunshine.  I'm ready for dinners to be picnics at the park so the boys can run off their left over energy from the day.  I'm ready to start running outside where I don't have to worry if I'm going to slip and fall on my butt on the ice.
I'm tired of being stuck in our small apartment with two hyper-active boys.  I'm tired of icy roads and snow emergencies.  I'm tired of grey and cold.  I'm done winter.  Totally and utterly done.