Dear Husband: I love that no matter how cranky I've been because of work or from just being plain tired from growing a baby that you try to make me laugh. I know that you are uber excited for baby #2 to arrive and I can't wait to go on this amazing adventure with you.
Dear Sleep-Hater: I hope you understand that all the new things we are trying are to help you. I know that you absolutely hate bed time and the idea of having to miss out on something drives you up the wall, but I know that if you actually got all the sleep that your little body needed, you would feel a lot more awesome.
Dear Baby Bump: Only 9 more weeks and 2 days until you arrive. I'm so freakin' excited to meet you and so is everyone else!
Dear Friend: It was so nice to finally catch up with you. I know this might be mean to say, but I'm kinda glad moving to Argentina didn't work out and I wouldn't been too bummed if moving to Europe didn't pan out either. The idea of having you leave for 2 years just doesn't seem very awesome to me. Sorry...I just like you way too much to have you move across the world.
Dear pediatric urology paperwork: you are never ending. Especially just for a consult. I would just love it if you could magically fill yourself out so I had one less thing to worry about this next week.
Dear Sun: You are on my list. I was wearing sunscreen and I am burnt to all heck. I really don't appreciate it.
Dear Summer: While I'm not all to happy about the heat...I'm glad that you are here. I just love the smell and fun that comes with summer. Too bad you are already half over and the next thing I know it will be 30 below!
{ Seriously...I love your goofy grin Evan! }
Popping by from the Friday's Letters link-up. Congrats on baby #2! Hope you can enjoy the next 9 weeks without being too uncomfy!