This weeks prompt :: What is one tangible thing you have that holds intangible value?
I have a box full of horse things that I will never get rid of. It's full of halters, bits, and a hoof pick or two. To most people it's junk, especially since I'm not currently riding. But to me it's pieces of a dream I've put on hold to raise my boys.
I've been on a horse since I was 8. I was in 4-H and showed with a junior equestion team called the JETs. Weekends in the summer were spent at the Washington County fairgrounds at horse shows and Labor day weekend was "horse weekend" at the MN State Fair.
6 years ago, my mom had an opportunity to manage a horse facility in Princeton, MN for a non-profit. Days off from work and weekends were spent on the trails and teaching teens at risk how to care for these animals. Evan (my oldest) for the most part has grown up on the back of horse. Some of our favorite pictures and memories are from the long rides we took together in the country.
18 months ago, just before Alex was born, I made the decision that I could no longer keep my 8 year old quarter horse, Bailey. I had spent the past 3 years training him and was hopeful that one day I would be able to show him, but raising my boys and giving them that time while they are young seemed to be more important.
So yes, it's a box full of random horse things and seems silly to pretty much everyone else, but to me, those pieces of my dream are waiting for me when the time is right.
Sometimes what our dreams look like to us is so different than what they look like to others. Taking this time away from your dream to care for your boys is so amazing and I don't think you'll ever regret it for even a second.
ReplyDeleteP.S. - Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Don't you love how things that mean nothing to some people can mean everything to others? I just love how our interests and the things we love (like a box full of horse stuff) can show our personalities and individuality!
ReplyDeleteAww, I love this!! I grew up riding and showing my horse in 4-H, too! So fun. I have many tokens from years of riding... I know I should get rid of them, but I just can't!!! I feel you here :)