Friday, June 8, 2012

{ insta-friday }

I love insta.gram on android.  It makes it so easy to take pictures!  So here's what we've been up to this week. (p.s. you can follow me @emilyacarver)

life rearranged

1.  How i just love this boy...all wet and tired from running around
2.  Wildberry lemonade from Wendy's...just awesome.

3.  my boys after their water fight
4.  snuggling before bed...we watched HIMYM

5.  No more toe nail polish :(  I realized when trying to do my toes I could no longer reach because of my growing belly...
6.  Evan's punkin' chunkin' machine...confused?  Watch Punkin' Chunkin' on'll be hooked like we are.

7.  Mike hates that I leave these cups everywhere.  Out of protest, he's thrown two away.  But they are perfect for all the water I'm trying to suck down
8.  Summer is officially here and we love it!

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